Sunday, March 1, 2015

From a Senior's Mind

I'm writing this blog post as the internal alarm went of a little too early this morning. Practice isn't till 10 but I'm wide awake at 7:30- what am I to do other than think about the weekend that just unfolded? The SLU carnival was my last carnival as a Bobcat, wrapping up an awesome four years of racing. And it was a pretty special weekend. Some of our race results left us itching for more, but the crew was still so full of smiles, laughter, and hugs. I wouldn't call myself the sentimental type, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I got teary a time or two. I don't know if it was the touching little speeches, the double amounts of hugs, the plethora of social media posts or maybe a combination of all. Because I can't recount other people's words very well (they'd be wordy with a  lot of mumbling) and I can't hug anyone through the computer screen, I thought I'd share some of the pictures that the team posted on Facebook and Instragram over the last few days. Though they are only pictures and words on a screen, it's a way to give all of you just a glimpse into how loving and supportive our team is.

Sunny Smiley Sadie

Laurel. This picture was more of a struggle to take than you'd hope it would be. 

Gracie bringing us back to Thanksgiving!

Apparently Britta had been planing this one a while.

Thanks to Tara for this gem- nothing is better than your team mate finding you in the finish pen and giving you gummy candy. 
I had to throw my own in there- my four years at Bates wouldn't have been the same (or as great) without Nick and Connor. 

Thanks to EVERYONE who has made my four years at Bates awesome (I realize it's not done yet!). Awesome teammates, past and present.  I have to acknowledge Jordan, Lucas, Sean, Filly, Beth, and Caroline for checking in every weekend and urging me to do better. Thank you!! Thank you teammates at home who remaining positive and supportive all the time. Thanks to awesome coaches, also past and present. Becky, James, and Coach- you all fostered a team of smiles and love and kept the skis ripping on the heads screwed on straight. Dylan, Wilson, and Matt have also all been some critical components of this adventure. Thanks to all parents for giving us excellent food and love (that word seems to keep coming up a lot) every weekend. And to my family for tirelessly (well, I think Caroline and Eli would say tiredly) coming to every carnival for four years. And also a thank you to everyone I have competed against over the last four years, so many have become close friends, friends, or acquaintances to share and hug and a smile with at the start and finish lines. Thank you all!

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