Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Best Skier in the World

After being nominated as the Best Skier in the World alongside tough competition such as Bjorn Dælie and Thomas Alsgård, I felt it would be a great opportunity to ask the star some questions about himself

BATES NORDIC: How do you feel being nominated as the best skier in the world alongside skiers like Bjorn Dælie and Thomas Alsgård?

NATHAN HARRY WINEBAUM: I feel honored on being nominated as the most accomplished skier of the cross country

SE: What do you attribute your success to?

NHW: I attribute my success to my god given abilities. Cross-country skiing just comes naturally to The Nathan Harry Winebaum.

SE: Would you like to thank anyone for being the best skier in the world?

NHW: I'd like to thank Jesus Shuttlesworth aka. Ray Allen for giving me the inspiration.

Thank you Nate for the opportunity for fellow readers to understand how one of The Greats does his thing. Provided below is a picture of Nathan Harry participating in one of his hobbies at the beach.

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