Sunday, June 19, 2016

¿Donde está todo el mundo?

Hola Amigos,

Long time no blog. Five minute ago I was sitting in the intensively modern University of Victoria Library killing time before my final New Zealand exam (Geography if you're interested), when I was struck by the realization that this blog has been sorely neglected in the past three months. So with no research beyond basic social media, here is my attempt at guessing what everyone is up to!

The Seniors Graduates: After goodbyes and tears, I assume most of our grads are either taking advantage of their newfound youth by living life to its fullest. Hopefully they can come back to Bates for Alumni weekend and relive their glory days. Miss you guys!

I recently saw a facebook post of Halie, Wade, Hadley, Samantha, and first-year Tucker Pierce at the beach (el playo), presumably relaxing after super intense rollerskiing or somesuch. If that beach is in Maine, than I'm betting Dylan is somewhere in the vicinity. It seems a safe bet.
Unsuprisingly, Henry looks ecstatic (Source: Halie Lange FB)

Speaking of our Firstyears, I can only wildly speculate on what they are doing, as none of them have seen fit to contact me. This is either because they have their stuff together and can find better people to get advice from than someone who was late to a mass start, OR (and this is vastly more likely), they are too intimidated to contact a writer of my indisputable calibre. Notice that posh spelling.

That reminds me, Nate is at Oxford (not the one in Maine, the one in England), studying the complexities of the English Language. People I've met here in NZ have assured me that Oxford is an institution that's "Bloody *****ng proper." I'll take their word for it.

I saw on an Instagram post that Parker was in Oregon, I can only hope that he visited my parents and told convincing lies about my good character.

I think Sadie is still in South Africa. If so that sounds pretty awesome.

Connor is somewhere in Montana, probably mountain biking or skiing or something. If all goes swimmingly, I met catch him in Dunedin as he begins his study abroad down here.

I have no idea what Bria is up to, a survey of FB yielded little of use, so I imagine she is spending her summer in LA, working the rings on Venice beach while surfing everyday.

Laurel I'm sure is in Mammoth, probably running up mountains and inventing stories about her cats. I noticed she provided food for nordic retiree Ben Pratt as he worked his way north up the PCT, so that was probably fun.
Mountain in California (Source: Google Images)

That brings us to my favorite subject: me. I'm still in New Zealand, and just about down with school. I spent the dead weeks before exams hitchhiking from Auckland around the Cormandel  Peninsula and down to Wellington, and I've been here for a few days taking my two exams. The next move is heading to the South Island, which I've been looking forward to for a long time. Hopefully the weather will cooperate, so far I have been astounded by the amount of water that comes out of the sky, usually accompanied by high winds.
The pinnacles view I was promised
The pinnacles view I got
Anyway, my studies have been going very well. I have run into some trouble writing essays, receiving such comments as "there is too much personal voice in this," "keep your opinions to yourself," "essays are not the place for jokes," and "great analysis!" I blame these comments on this blog, which was my sole academic pursuit in the past ski season and seems to have colored (or maybe stained) my writing style. (Don't worry Mom and Dad, voice and style usually only accounts for like 5% of an essay grade).

I've also been working out a respectable amount, anything from hiking around on the side of the road trying to look pathetic enough to catch a ride to actually running up mountains and unusually tall hostels.

I've also gotten to sleep in such places as: The ground outside a public library (2/5), a hammock across a drainage ditch (a surprising 3.5/5), the cheapest hostel in Wellington (1/5), and a double mattress on a strangers floor (5/5).

Proof my HR has gotten elevated at least once
NZ has a lot of stairs
Black Swans! 
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Displaying IMG_0435.JPG
So looking at the clock it's about time to go sit in a 200 person exam and get lectured by a bored proctor about the evils of non-transparent water bottles.


Max Millslagle

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