Tuesday, November 12, 2013

ACADIA (sorry Henry)

After a pint of Ben & Jerry's phish food downed in Jay's van, a midnight bowl of chowder, and Maddy's soothing (...terrorizing) snoring in my ear, Acadia was revealed to us in the beautiful sunlight of Saturday morning.
The day was off to a good start by the time 7:45 rolled around and we were practicing sun salutations on the beach, and became even better when Maddy and I unknowingly walked into the caretaker's house, expecting breakfast at the Milliken's, and were instead greeted by 3 of the cutest dogs I have ever seen and a very friendly woman in a bathrobe. After eating a delicious breakfast in the RIGHT house, we rolled out onto the coast to hammer out some 1k classic rollerski intervals.
This workout may have been the best one of the year. Almost everyone was negative splitting on most of the intervals, and Becky was pretty pumped with the team's performance. Later that day, we did some major wood-stacking (Emmett was in his backwoods Vermont element), some wrestling, and then played some girls on guys football which we DOMINATED.
The next morning, we did a sweet run through the park, a success because the girls only talked about horses for 10 minutes of the 2:45 workout.
Some stats:
42:0- the score of the football game
1:1- the score of Britta and Caroline's wrestling matches
1- the thankful number of photos Chewy instagrammed
8- the number of hashtags on that one photo
30-45- the approximate number of minutes we spent in L4-5 on Saturday
90- the approximate number of minutes we spent stacking wood
9- the largest number of lobsters Lucas has consumed during one sitting
6- the number of 1.5 quart containers of ice cream the team ate in one night
12- the number of pairs of danskos we had in the house
xoxo Amy

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