Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Super Belated Sugarloaf Recap

While part of the team competed at U.S Nationals at Soldier Hollow, the rest of us battened down the hatches for a cold and blustery week. The destination? Sugarloaf, where we would stay at the Fuller's beautiful home and enjoy the comforts of perfect corduroy, endless snow, paninis and a hot fire. 

Majestic 'loaf on a crisp extra blue day

On the 1st the crew met at Bates, packed up the van and began the journey north. Following Connor's directions, we luckily gained another hour in the van together to bond. After arriving at the Fuller's we decided the best of course of action was definitely a headlamp lit night ski up the mountain, so we bundled up to combat the negative temperatures and windchill. 

Later that evening, Caroline and Catherine Tuttle arrived, and the group was joined by Sally by late Friday evening. Throughout the week the group enjoyed copious amounts of on snow time, technique sessions, intervals, and an ice hockey game where pretty much everybody was able to showcase a bit. *Especially Connor, seriously, hes really good.

Saturday after an A.M ski on Saturday morning, we rolled into the vans for the trek back to Bates. That evening, Wilson exemplified his unique and crafty homemade pizza making skills and we dined in style. 

Sunday, we headed down to the Jackson, NH for the great Jackson Jaunt, 10km and 5km freestyle events. As we found out, it seemed to be the hot destination for collegiate racers who hadn't made the trek out to U.S nationals. 
Ready for our last ski at the Loaf
No lack of snow

Keeping up to date on results
Our Ski mess
A perfect extra blue day

The girls showcase their salad creativity

Cooking was naturally a large theme of the week

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