Saturday, December 22, 2012

Making the Most of What We've Got

My mama has always told me that what separates the best from the rest is being able to make the most of what you have available and then effectively implement plan B when plan A just doesn't work out.

Despite the rapidly falling snow at the Craftsbury Eastern Cup last weekend I knew that I was heading home to a rainy week. So, I got ready to make the most of what I would have available: I pulled my helmet, sneakers, and reflective vest out of my duffle bag, switched my pole baskets to rollerski ferrules, and did a little mental prep to keep myself psyched about racing season even with the lack of snow. So far, it has worked perfectly well, though eager (as always) to be on snow, I am happy with what I have!

Many members of the team have been able to get on snow for the past week and are making the most of some good skiing, while others are keeping their spirits up and training well despite the lack of snow in the East. For example, Helen is doing Besh Cups in Alaska (Go Helen!!) and Catherine, at home in New York, has used her rollerskis, running shoes, and YMCA membership quite a bit since she left school. Either way, Bobcats do the best they can with what they've got, and you can be sure that we're all psyched for racing season! As Dr. Jerry Lynch would say, we all have "a fire in the belly!"

Happy break everyone and keep up the good work!


P.S. Remember to keep faith, there is snow in the forecast for the East Coast...

UPDATE: The east HAS snow.

One of Margaret's beautiful photos (McCall, Idaho)

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